Jennilee Marigomen est née en 1982, elle vit à Vancouver
Entretien avec Graham Kolbeins
Although some of your photos have people in them, you seem to avoid straight-up portraits. What leads you to pick nature over people?The images that resonate with me are the ones that embrace a certain kind of ambiguity and leave room for interpretation. There is always a bit of uncertainty and mystery in nature… It can’t be fully controlled and is always changing and adapting - which is what my Botanophobia series is about. I’m not really interested in subjects that are too direct or give a lot away.. I want people to revisit the image with a new perception each time. Kind of like a film with an open ending. Or maybe I prefer not to take portraits because I’m a little shy.
Tell us a little about what the art scene in Vancouver like.
Vancouver is a small city, so it’s easy to connect with other photographers that share the same audience as you. It’s natural to support each other, share ideas and resources, and collaborate. Vancouver has a big annual exhibition coming up called The Cheaper Show that will be featuring 200 local and international artists - selling their work for the same price across the board. The show does a really amazing job at bringing the art community together and bringing artists to the forefront – no matter if you are emerging or established.
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illustrations: 1 et 2_absent (extrait) // 3_publication pour 01magazine