samedi 15 janvier 2011

Pekka Niittyvirta /// corrupted

Niittyvirta's creative work contains a very strong dimension of improvisation and intuition. His extensive production does consist not only of the various photographic works but instead reaches out far beyond his main tool - the camera. The abstract glamour of the visual effects has been produced with the combination of the different digital methods and utilizing the knowledge of the digital, biological and chemical processes. This means that the outcome of the pictures is not based only on the traditional photographic conventions.

Niittyvirta is also fascinated by the forces of the social circumstances. The series "Greetings from Helsinki" takes a socio-political aspect to social alienation with a dark humor. Works in the series "unDisciplined Events" explore the relationships of the scenery; the space and a human being - public and the private. The pictures bring into the focus the built-up environments and the effects that they have on our daily decisions and the activities of the different groups.
son site

Illustrations:  1 _ Pekka Niittyvirta,  corrupted,  "Paris Hilton (Dog Chromosome X, Poodle)", 2010, 145 X 105 cm (Image is created by inserting genetic data (dogs chromosome X) to the source code of digital image file) /// 2_Pekka Niittyvirta,  corrupted, "Broken Idyl (Burma)", 2008, 46 X 30 cm (Image is modified by insertion of phrases from the propaganda newspaper New Light Of Myanmar to the digital image file's source code)