A portmanteau of Tom Wesselmann and White Castle, Wessel Castle is a collaboration between Alli Miller andTrey Burns. Mutable, cumulative, and sweeping, Wessel Castle is simultaneously an archive, licensing agency, and manufacturer of digital forms. Our photographs (and subsequent installations) explore “other spaces” in the matrices of consumer enticements, and megatexture of the American commercial landscape.
With a nod to the legacy of pop art and culture jamming, we examine sign culture within the grammar of public space, and strive to subvert the sterile presentation of corporate marketing through the framing of that which is liminal, hyperbolic, and humorous. We isolate moments in contrast to the inconspicuous massage of advertisement, and create typologies of these spaces in order to form new meaning.
exposition et conférence à New Orleans à la May gallery
illustrations: 1_Wessel Castle, advertisement on a public bank for the exhibition at the May Gallery, 2&3_Wessel Castle, archives (extrait), 2013