lundi 22 novembre 2010

Joachim Schmid /// ABC Artists' Books Cooperative

Joachim Schmid collecte des images depuis 1982. Toutes ses publications sont disponibles et visibles en ligne sur ABC. Ses derniers travaux sont réalisés à l'aide de google map, à partir des milliards d'images publiées sur flickr.
son site

illustration: Joachim Schmid, O Campo, pigment ink print, 27 x 36 cm image on 30 x 40 cm paper, ABC edition /// Joachim Schmid, "Meetings" (extract), 2003-2007

samedi 13 novembre 2010

Thomas Struth /// Galerie Max Hetzler

Struth changes the context of the technological sublime by transferring the motives into the gallery space: Anonymous sculptures reveal structures that are incomprehensible to the majority of spectators while the viewer is confronted with alienated forms of industrial and technological progress. Titles, such as Tokamak Asdex Upgrade periphery, intensify the formality in photographs that analyze and document the human ambition and the progress of today’s industries. Also on view are photographs that record architectural sites in Korea, including an oil platform and a shipyard, strongly contrasting with the advanced technologies of the former. The depiction of the image’s architecture seems to create iconographic and hyperreal manifests of the present.
 lire la suite sur le site de la galerie Max Hetzler
vues de l'exposition

Illustration: Thomas Struth, Chemistry Fume Cabinet. The University of Edinburgh, 2010. Digital C-Print, 120,5 x 166 cm.

Stephen Gill /// Le documentaire conceptuel

Born Bristol, UK 1971. Lives in Hackney, London.
Stephen Gill was introduced to photography at an early age by his father, and his first photographs reflected his interests in birds, animals and music.
Stephen’s photographs are now held in various private and public collections and have also been exhibited at many international galleries and museums including London’s National Portrait Gallery, The Victoria and Albert Museum, Agnes B, Victoria Miro Gallery, Galerie Zur Stockeregg, Gun Gallery, The Photographers’ Gallery, Palais des Beaux Arts, Leighton House Museum, Haus Der Kunst and has had solo shows in festivals including - Recontres d’Arles, The Toronto photography festival and PHotoEspaña.
Stephen founded his publishing imprint Nobody in 2005 in order to exercise maximum control over the publication process of his books. His overriding intention is to make the book the finished expression of the photographs, rather than just a shell in which to house them. Experimentation with materials, and a hands-on, tactile approach to maquette making lead, in many cases, to his finished books having an individual, unique presence. This tactile approach includes materials and techniques such as lino cut printing, letter press printing, mono prints, spray paint, rubber stamps and on occasion entire books are manufactured and assembled by hand in Stephen’s Hackney studio. He considers the bookmaking process to be a key final stage in the production of his photographic works, and he aims to make books that are conceptually consistent with their content. All decisions made during production are therefore directed by the requirements of the work rather than any external influences or considerations.
son site

Ligovsky Prospekt

Réalisation: R.Renault & L.Hammadouche
Production: Ceros
Ce montage de 34 mètres sera présenté par la galerie Serge Plantureux lors de Paris-Photo

le fond de dotation Clémentine:

Constatant que depuis leur invention, les épreuves photographiques sont devenues parmi les plus fidèles témoins matériels de l’histoire culturelle, le Fonds de Dotation Clémentine soutient les initiatives qui rendent celles-ci accessibles, favorisent leur étude matérielle ainsi que la construction d’une généalogie culturelle attachée aux documents d’époque.
Les collections du Fonds de Dotations couvrent les différentes périodes de la photographie partout où celle-ci a pu parvenir. Le catalogue sera mis en ligne dès cet été, il est composé d’une dotation initiale et de dépôts.
Nos publications sont des expérimentations proposées comme des outils d’analyse de l’histoire matérielle de la photographie. Vous trouverez sous l’intitulé « carnets de Clémentine » cet ensemble déjà publié ou en projet. L’Association des Amis de Clémentine assure la publication et la distribution des carnets.